Tips For A Better Home Showing

home showing

Preparing your home for a showing is crucial to making a great first impression on potential buyers. By following these tips, you can showcase your property’s best features and increase its appeal.

Declutter and Organize:

  • Remove unnecessary decorative items, extra furniture, and out-of-season items.
  • Clear off counters, shelves, and windowsills.
  • Pack away personal belongings and boxes that create clutter.
  • Don’t forget to declutter the garage and storage areas.

Brighten and Clean:

  • Clean windows and screens to let in natural light.
  • Replace burnt bulbs and consider using higher wattage in dimly lit areas.
  • Consider painting walls with bright, neutral colors to make rooms feel larger and brighter.
  • Remove heavy curtains and use sheer or light fabrics to let in more light.

Maintain a Pristine Clean:

  • Hire a cleaning service if possible to thoroughly clean your home.
  • Clean carpets, drapes, and upholstery to remove odors.
  • Open windows or use fans to air out the house.

Maximize Comfort:

  • Adjust the air conditioning or heating system to create a comfortable temperature.
  • Open blinds and curtains to let in natural light.

Eliminate Odors:

  • Boil lemon juice in the microwave and add it to your dishwasher to deodorize.
  • Place potpourri or scented candles around the house.
  • Use cotton balls soaked in vanilla extract or orange juice to deodorize the refrigerator.
  • Run lemon rinds through the garbage disposal to eliminate odors.

Attention to Detail:

  • Repair small issues like sticky doors, torn screens, and dripping faucets.
  • Replace doormats and consider adding new hardware to enhance curb appeal.
  • Tidy up outdoor spaces by mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and adding mulch.

Set the Scene:

  • Add decorative touches like throw pillows, blankets, or fresh flowers.
  • Place dishes or a simple centerpiece on tables to make the home feel welcoming.
  • Stage a chess game or leave flowers by the fireplace to create a cozy ambiance.

Bathroom Appeal:

  • Remove personal toiletries and old towels from sight.
  • Use plush towels and a neutral soap dispenser.
  • Consider using scented candles or diffusers to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Follow these tips to present your home in its best light and increase its desirability to potential buyers. Remember, a well-prepared home can make a lasting impression and lead to faster and more profitable sales.